Bio Sponge

The material of Shinsuke Bio Sponge is a particular sponge-like material, specifically invented and designed for forming BIO FILM.

This seemingly ordinary sponge , has a special effect . The material of Shinsuke Bio Sponge is a particular sponge-like material, specifically invented and designed for forming BIO FILM.
As such, Shinsuke Bio Sponge has a high retention ratio for bacteria, which is hard to reduce, even when located under water. Shinsuke Bio Sponge is UV ray resistant and is designed for multi-bay filters but is also suitable for moving – bed filters ! Use Shinsuke Bio Sponge combined with Shinsuke Bacto Power for the best result.


Top breeders, like Sakai Fishfarm, Danichi Koifarm and Nogami Koifarm do use Shinsuke Bacto Power. “After using Filter Sand and Bio Sponge, the pH of the water remained stable. As a result the koi had very good appetites and their skin became bright and high quality.” On seeing this, the koi farmers were impressed by Bacto Power and Bio Sponge, and they now add Bacto Power every 2 or 4 weeks.


Please fee free to contact us if you have any questions or need further information about the Sinsuke Koi Products.